Southern Counties Drama Festival 2024

“This play imagines Charles Dickens, short of money, having to write A Christmas Carol in six weeks in order to bring in some much needed revenue. Backed by a vibrant and imaginative set that could be quickly adapted to suit every scene, including hat stands that carried the costume changes, Zac Thraves, as Dickens, gave a powerful and convincing performance, capturing the arrogance but also the hidden vulnerability of the great man. He was assisted by ‘Voice 1’ and ‘Voice 2’, who not only played all the other parts but provided narration to move us through the process of research, writing and then publicising the novel.

Bizz Portlock, as Voice 1, was a stunning presence and moved smoothly from role to role – here a wretched and impoverished mother, there a sophisticated and smug lawyer – with great conviction and timing. With just a modicum of costume quickly donned – a shawl, a top hat – she became her characters in an instant, switching her voice and physicality most impressively.

Tony Pegg, as Voice 2, provided great comic support, particularly when he played two plagiarists at once (Lee and Haddock) in a court scene.

Sound effects were clever and the lighting effective.

All in all, this was an impressive performance played with great vigour and energy by all three actors.”


Zac Thraves - Best Male Actor

Biz Portlock - Nominated Best Female Actor

Tony Pegg - Best Humbug In Show